Financial services is perhaps the most regulated industry in the world, and the intersection between financial services, technology, and law remains a complicated and evolving space. A team of Morgan Lewis lawyers recently attended the 2023 Money 20/20 conference and previewed some major themes and trends that the industry can expect in 2024.
On October 13, 2023, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) adopted Rule 10c-1a requiring the reporting and dissemination of certain details regarding securities lending transactions.
The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Federal Reserve) took another tepid step into the digital asset space on August 8, announcing that it has established a program to “enhance the supervision of novel activities conducted by banking organizations supervised” by the Federal Reserve. In addition, the Federal Reserve issued guidance explaining the supervisory nonobjection process for state member banks “seeking to engage in certain activities involving tokens denominated in national currencies and issued using distributed ledger technology or similar technologies to facilitate payments.”
In contrast to the “regulation by enforcement” theme to which those in the digital assets community have become accustomed, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC or Commission) has been active in issuing guidance to the industry. Recently, CFTC staff issued an advisory on digital asset–related risks and the Commission issued an amended Order of Derivatives Clearing Organization (DCO) Registration to Cboe Clear Digital, LLC (Cboe Clear Digital), allowing it to clear margined futures on digital assets.